As usual, lots of things happening these days, which is fun
but at the same time it can be overwhelming. One of them was Out to Launch, the
signature career event of SCAD Atlanta where really talented senior and grad
students exhibit their work to clients from the art industry. I was invited to
participate, which was a real honor and surprise but at the same time I wasn’t
sure of what to expect since I’m just starting to develop my portfolio and some
of the participants have been at SCAD for more than one year. At some point I
was scared but in the end, I humbly tried to do my best and I guess it worked
out well. It definitely was an
eye-opening experience because it can actually give you and idea of what it
means to go pro with your stuff.
Sometimes you wish you could stay in the studio working on your pieces
and forget about the rest but is not that simple. However, it is fun (needless
to say it is extremely important) to start thinking about promotion, clients,
employers and all those things happening out there in the professional world
while you figure out how are you gonna get there. Here some pics of my booth with some new
pieces that I’ll upload soon!